of Studio Class
Under 30 min!
of At-Home Workouts
Log in. Workout. Live Your Life.
All the benefits of studio classes with the safety and convenience of home workouts.
If you think taking a virtual fitness class is pushing Play on an exercise video, think again!
Are you looking for a better way to workout? Central Core’s Virtual Fitness Curriculum brings the best of studio sessions to the safety and convenience of working out at home.
- Classes that fit your schedule
- Individual coaching on form and technique from Central Core instructors
- Safe exercise for your level and abilities
- Minimal space and equipment requirements
- Social support and energy of small group class
- No drive time or parking hassle
- Avoid indoor studio or gym
- Exercise in comfort at home
All classes are LIVE on Zoom with a range of styles and sessions to fit your workout personality.
Virtual Class Descriptions
Something for everyone. See class schedule for current offerings.
Ab Fusion: This session will shake you to your core with a 25 minute abdominal workout utilizing the Pilates props. Carefully selected abdominal exercises will tighten your abdominal muscles, strengthen your back, and promote proper posture alignment.
Barre Fusion: Utilizing light weights and small props, you will move through a sequence of Pilates mat and dance based movements in order to tone and sculpt your body, increase flexibility, build stamina through cardio sets, and challenge your dynamic stability.
Sculpt: This session fully engages your entire body, utilizing different equipment (or no equipment!), challenging both your strength and cardiovascular fitness
Fascia Release: A workout that leaves you relaxed, rejuvenated, and calm. Feel centered and balanced both in mind and body.
HIIT: Low impact or plyometric options in this fast-paced series of four exercises followed by a short rest. Four rounds with new exercises in each round.
Pilates Mat: Practice a range of traditional Pilates mat exercises as well as some new adaptations to add brain training and more. You’ll feel strong, aligned, and invigorated.
TRX: This session fully engages your entire body, challenging both your strength and cardiovascular fitness with the use of gravitational suspension training
Reformer: This 40 minute class with Misha gives you a new fresh theme of the week to explore all the possibilities on your Reformer for unique, fun and challenging workouts. All workouts provide modifications, progressions and regressions to allow any injury, special needs, or fitness level to join!
Jumpboard: Rebounding exercises from the Reformer jumpboard add the benefits of cardio, increase bone density, aid in proprioception, and they’re just plain fun!
Neuro Movement: Blending functional neurology and movement optimization for pain relief and performance enhancement with an array of neurocentric based exercises.
Brain Body Approach – more on our Neurocentric approach and recent courses and workshops.
(Limited Classes – Check latest Central Core slass schedules for availability)
Dance: Learn Hip-Hop, Afro-Haitian, Salsa, Jazz, and popular dances from the comfort of your own home. This immersive session is great cardiovascular training while remaining low impact, it provides brain training by learning choreography, and allows you to move your body in new ways.
Rhythm Sculpt: Increase cardio while toning your arms and legs with this sculpting session utilizing wooden sticks to keep a beat!
Class Schedules